(500) Days of Summer | 2009 |
10 Years | 2011 |
100 | 1973 |
101 Reykjavik | 2000 |
11:14 | 2003 |
127 Hours | 2010 |
13 Moons | 2002 |
13 Tzameti | 2005 |
13th Warrior, The | 1999 |
16 Years of Alcohol | 2003 |
1969 | 1988 |
2046 | 2004 |
21 Grams | 2003 |
25th Hour | 2002 |
2:37 | 0 |
3 coeurs (Three Hearts) | 2014 |
300 | 2006 |
300: Rise of an Empire | 2014 |
3096 Tage (3096 Days) | 2013 |
360 | 2011 |
40 Days and 40 Nights | 2002 |
50/50 | 2011 |
71 Fragmente einer Chronologie des Zufalls (71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance) | 1994 |
8MM | 1999 |
8MM 2 | 2005 |
9 Dead Gay Guys | 2002 |
A Fei jingjyuhn (Days of Being Wild) | 1990 |
A la folie... pas du tout (He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not) | 2002 |
A moi seule (Coming Home) | 2012 |
Aberdeen | 2000 |
Abrazos Rotos, Los (Broken Embraces) | 2009 |
Absurdistan | 2008 |
Accused, The | 1988 |
Across the Universe | 2007 |
Adams aebler (Adam's Apples) | 2005 |
Adaptation | 2002 |
Adieux a la reine, Les (Farewell, My Queen) | 2012 |
Adrift in Manhattan | 2007 |
Adventureland | 2009 |
Adventurer, The: The Curse of the Midas Box | 2013 |
Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The | 1988 |
Affair of the Necklace, The | 2001 |
Affaire Farewell L' (Farewell) | 2009 |
Affaire privee, Une (Private Affair, A) | 2002 |
Affinity | 2008 |
After the Sunset | 2004 |
Against All Odds | 1984 |
Age of Innocence, The | 1993 |
Agent Cody Banks | 2003 |
Aimee & Jaguar | 1999 |
Ain't Them Bodies Saints | 2013 |
Airplane! | 1980 |
Ako | 1964 |
Al di la delle nuvole (Beyond the Clouds) | 1995 |
Alamar | 2009 |
Albert Nobbs | 2011 |
Alexander | 2004 |
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore | 1974 |
Alice in den Stadten (Alice in the Cities) | 1974 |
Alice in Wonderland | 2010 |
Alien | 1979 |
Alien3 | 1992 |
Alien: Resurrection | 1997 |
Aliens | 1986 |
All in Good Time | 2012 |
All Over Me | 1997 |
All the Wilderness | 0 |
Almost Famous | 2000 |
Aloft | 2014 |
Alpeis (Alps) | 2011 |
Always | 1989 |
Amadeus | 1984 |
Amantes del circulo polar, Los (Lovers of the Arctic Circle) | 1998 |
Amator (Camera Buff) | 1979 |
Ambavi Suramis tsikhitsa (Legend of Suram Fortress, The) | 1984 |
Amelia | 2009 |
American Astronaut, The | 2001 |
American Beauty | 1999 |
American Carol, An | 2008 |
American Crime, An | 0 |
American Flyers | 1985 |
American Psycho | 2000 |
American Psycho II: All American Girl | 2002 |
American Rhapsody, An | 2001 |
American Ultra | 0 |
Americano | 2011 |
Amerikanische Freund, Der (American Friend, The) | 1977 |
Amores perros | 2000 |
Amour de jeunesse, Un (Goodbye First Love) | 2011 |
Amours imaginaires, Les (Heartbeats) | 2010 |
Amreeka | 2009 |
Anazapta | 2002 |
And Then Came Lola | 2009 |
Anesthesia | 2015 |
Angels & Demons | 2009 |
Animal Kingdom | 2010 |
Animals Are Beautiful People | 1974 |
Anna and the King | 1999 |
Anna Christie | 1931 |
Anna Christie | 1930 |
Anna Karenina | 2012 |
Anna Karenina | 1935 |
Another Earth | 2011 |
Another Happy Day | 2011 |
Antichrist | 2009 |
Antonio Gaudi | 1985 |
Anyad! A szunyogok (Mother! The Mosquitoes) | 2000 |
Anything Else | 2003 |
Anywhere but Here | 1999 |
Apollonide (Souvenirs de la maison close), L' (House of Tolerance) | 2011 |
Appropriate Behavior | 2014 |
Apres mai (Something in the air) | 2012 |
Arbitrage | 2012 |
Ardilla roja, La (Red Squirrel) | 1993 |
Arizona Dream | 1992 |
Ashley | 2013 |
Ask the Dust | 2006 |
Atonement | 2007 |
Attenberg | 0 |
Attila | 2001 |
Auf der anderen Seite (Edge of Heaven, The) | 2007 |
Autre vie, Une (Another Life) | 2013 |
Autumn in New York | 2000 |
Avatar | 2009 |
Away from Her | 2006 |
Baader Meinhof Komplex, Der (Baader Meinhof Complex, The) | 2008 |
Babel | 2006 |
Baby sa jakies inne (Man, Chicks Are Just Different) | 2011 |
Babycall | 2011 |
Backcountry | 0 |
Bad Lieutenant | 1992 |
Ballast | 2008 |
Bande de filles (Girlhood) | 2014 |
Bandidas | 2006 |
Bandits | 1997 |
Baraka | 1992 |
Barfuss (Barefoot) | 2005 |
Barry Munday | 2005 |
BASEketball | 1998 |
Basquiat | 1996 |
Battement d'ailes du papillon, Le (Happenstance) | 2000 |
Be with Me | 2005 |
Beach, The | 2000 |
Beautiful Country, The | 2004 |
Beautiful Girls | 1996 |
Beaver, The | 2011 |
Beetle Juice (Beetlejuice) | 1988 |
Before Midnight | 0 |
Before Night Falls | 2000 |
Begin Again | 2013 |
Beginners | 2010 |
Being John Malkovich | 1999 |
Believer, The | 2001 |
Belle du Seigneur | 2012 |
Belle epine (Dear Prudence) | 2010 |
Belle et la bete, La (Beauty and the Beast) | 2014 |
Belle personne, La (Beautiful Person, The) | 2008 |
Belle verte, La | 1996 |
Bend It Like Beckham | 2002 |
Benny's Video | 1992 |
Beowulf | 2007 |
Berberian Sound Studio | 2012 |
Better Angels, The | 2014 |
Better Than Chocolate | 1999 |
Beyond Borders | 2003 |
Bez konca (No End) | 1985 |
Bi-mong (Dream) | 2008 |
Bibliotheque Pascal | 2010 |
Big Driver | 2014 |
Big Short, The | 0 |
Bin-jip (3-Iron) | 2004 |
Birds of America | 2008 |
Bis ans Ende der Welt (Until the End of the World) | 1991 |
Bitch Slap | 2009 |
Biutiful | 2010 |
Black Dahlia, The | 2006 |
Black Dog, Red Dog | 2015 |
Black Rock | 2012 |
Black Swan | 2010 |
Blade Runner | 0 |
Blazing Saddles | 1974 |
Blechtrommel, Die (Tin Drum, The) | 1979 |
Bleeder | 1999 |
Blindness | 2008 |
Blinkende lygter (Flickering Lights, The) | 2000 |
Blizna (Scar, The) | 1976 |
Blood and Chocolate | 2007 |
Blood Ties | 2013 |
Bloodline | 1979 |
Bloomington | 2010 |
Blow | 2001 |
Blue Valentine | 2010 |
Bomyeoreum gaeul gyeoul geurigo bom (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring) | 2003 |
Bone Collector, The | 1999 |
Boogie Nights | 2013 |
Book of Revelation, The | 2006 |
Bound | 1996 |
Boy | 2010 |
Boys Don't Cry | 1999 |
Bram Stoker's Dracula | 1992 |
Brave One, The | 2007 |
Brazil | 1985 |
Breakfast at Tiffany's | 1961 |
Breaking and Entering | 2006 |
Breaking Away | 1979 |
Breaking the Waves | 1996 |
Breaking Up | 1997 |
Breve traverse (Brief Crossing) | 2001 |
Brodre (Brothers) | 2004 |
Broken | 2012 |
Broken Circle Breakdown, The | 2012 |
Broken Flowers | 2005 |
Broken, The | 2008 |
Brothers | 2009 |
Brothers Grimm, The | 2005 |
Brown Bunny, The | 2003 |
Brudguminn (White Night Wedding) | 2008 |
Bruna surfistinha (Little Surfer Girl) | 2011 |
Brysomme Mannen, Den (Bothersome Man, The) | 2006 |
Buchse der Pandora, Die (Pandora's Box) | 1929 |
Buda as sharm foru rikht (Buddha Collapsed Out of Shame) | 2007 |
Budbringeren (Junk Mail) | 1997 |
Buena Vista Social Club | 1999 |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 1992 |
Bugsy Malone | 1976 |
Buhera matrix | 2007 |
Burn After Reading | 2008 |
But I'm a Cheerleader | 1999 |
Butterfly Effect 2, The | 2006 |
Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations, The | 2009 |
Butterfly Effect, The | 2004 |
Butterfly Kiss | 1995 |
By the Sea | 0 |
Byzantium | 0 |
C'est arrive pres de chez vous (Man Bites Dog) | 1992 |
Cache | 2005 |
Caimano, Il (Caiman, The) | 2006 |
California Dreamin' (Nesfarsit) (California Dreamin') | 2007 |
Callejon de los milagros, El (Midaq Alley) | 1995 |
Calvin Marshall | 2009 |
Camille | 1936 |
Camp X-Ray | 2014 |
Caotica Ana (Chaotic Ana) | 2007 |
Capitale umano, Il (Human Capital) | 2013 |
Captifs (Caged) | 2010 |
Captive | 2015 |
Captive, La (Captive, The) | 2000 |
Captive, The | 2014 |
Caravaggio | 1986 |
Carnage | 2011 |
Carol | 0 |
Carre blanc | 2011 |
Carrie | 2013 |
Carrie | 1976 |
Cashback | 2006 |
Cassandra's Dream | 2007 |
Casse-tete chinois (Chinese Puzzle) | 2013 |
Cast Away | 2000 |
Catacombs | 2007 |
Catch That Kid | 2004 |
Cave, The | 2005 |
Celebrity | 1998 |
Cell, The | 2000 |
Cetvrti covek (Fourth Man, The) | 2007 |
Chacun cherce son chat (When the Cat's Away) | 1996 |
Chacun son cinema (To Each His Own Cinema) | 2007 |
Chain of Fools | 2000 |
Changeling | 2008 |
Chappie | 2015 |
Charade | 1963 |
Chasing Ghosts | 2005 |
Chasing the Deer | 1994 |
Chelsea Walls | 2001 |
Child 44 | 0 |
Children of Men | 0 |
Children's Hour, The | 1961 |
Chinese Chocolate | 1995 |
Chispa de la vida, La (As Luck Would Have It) | 2011 |
Chloe | 1996 |
Choke | 2008 |
Choses secretes (Secret Things) | 2002 |
Chronicles of Narnia, The: Prince Caspian | 2008 |
Chronicles of Narnia, The: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe | 2005 |
Chronicles of Narnia, The: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader | 2010 |
Chung Hing sam lam (Chungking Express) | 1994 |
Chutney Popcorn | 1999 |
Ci qing (Spider Lilies) | 2007 |
Cidade Baixa (Lower City) | 2005 |
Cidade de Deus (City of God) | 2002 |
Cinema Verite | 2011 |
Circumstance | 2011 |
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant | 2009 |
City Island | 2009 |
City of Life | 2009 |
City of Your Final Destination, The | 2009 |
Claim, The | 2000 |
Closed for Winter | 2009 |
Closer | 2004 |
Cloud Atlas | 2012 |
Clouds of Sils Maria | 2014 |
Coach | 2010 |
Coco avant Chanel (Coco Before Chanel) | 2009 |
Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky | 2009 |
Code inconnu: Recit incomplet de divers voyages (Code Unknown: Incomplete Tales of Several Journeys) | 2000 |
Coffee and Cigarettes | 2003 |
Cold Creek Manor | 2003 |
Cold Mountain | 2003 |
Colonia | 0 |
Combattants, Les (Love at First Fight) | 2014 |
Comment je me suis dispute... (ma vie sexuelle) (My Sex Life... or How I Got Into an Argument) | 1996 |
Company You Keep, The | 2012 |
Conjuring, The | 0 |
Conquest | 1937 |
Constant Gardener, The | 2005 |
Constantine | 2005 |
Contact | 1997 |
Container | 2006 |
Contracorriente (Undertow) | 2009 |
Contractor, The | 2007 |
Control | 2007 |
Conviction | 2010 |
Core, The | 2003 |
Coronel no tiene quien le escriba, El (No One Writes to the Colonel) | 1999 |
Cosmopolis | 2012 |
Cracks | 2009 |
Crimson Peak | 0 |
Crna macka, beli macor (Black Cat, White Cat) | 1998 |
Crucible, The | 1996 |
Csak szex es mas semmi (Just Sex and Nothing Else) | 2005 |
Csend es kialtas (Silence and Cry) | 1968 |
Csinibaba (Dollybirds) | 1997 |
Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The | 2008 |
Cut Bank | 0 |
Cyborg 2 | 1993 |
Da Vinci Code, The | 2006 |
Daisy Diamond | 2007 |
Dallas pashamende | 2005 |
Dancer in the Dark | 2000 |
Dangerous Method, A | 2011 |
Danish Girl, The | 0 |
Dans ton sommeil (In Their Sleep) | 2010 |
Dare | 2009 |
Darjeeling Limited, The | 2007 |
Dark Relic | 2010 |
Darwin Awards, The | 2006 |
Dawn Rider | 2012 |
Day of Wrath | 2005 |
Day, The | 2011 |
De rouille et d'os (Rust and Bone) | 2012 |
De Vrais Mensonges (Beautiful Lies) | 2010 |
Dead Birds | 2004 |
Dead Europe | 2012 |
Dead Man | 1995 |
Dead Man Down | 2013 |
Dead Ringers | 1988 |
Deadfall | 2012 |
Deadpool | 0 |
Deal, The | 2005 |
Dear Wendy | 2004 |
Death of a Salesman | 1985 |
Death Proof | 2007 |
Decameron, Il (Decameron, The) | 1971 |
Deep End, The | 2001 |
Deep Throat | 1972 |
Defiance | 2008 |
Definitely, Maybe | 2008 |
Dekalog,1 (The Decalogue,1) | 1989 |
Dekalog,10 (The Decalogue,10) | 1989 |
Dekalog,2 (The Decalogue,2) | 1990 |
Dekalog,3 (The Decalogue,3) | 1990 |
Dekalog,4 (The Decalogue,4) | 1990 |
Dekalog,5 (The Decalogue,5) | 1990 |
Dekalog,6 (The Decalogue,6) | 1990 |
Dekalog,7 (The Decalogue,7) | 1990 |
Dekalog,8 (The Decalogue,8) | 1990 |
Dekalog,9 (The Decalogue,9) | 1990 |
Delicatesse, La (Delicacy) | 2011 |
Delta | 2008 |
Demonlover | 2002 |
Dernier vol, Le (Last Flight, The) | 2009 |
Desenlance, El (Outcome, The) | 2005 |
Desert Hearts | 1985 |
Desperado | 1995 |
Destricted | 2006 |
DeUsynlige (Troubled Water) | 2008 |
Deux jours, une nuit (Two Days, One Night) | 2014 |
Devour | 2005 |
Dieu est grand, je suis toute petit (God Is Great and I'm Not) | 2001 |
Dikkenek | 2006 |
Dilemma, The | 2011 |
Din dragoste cu cele mai bune intentii (Best Intentions) | 2011 |
Direktoren for det hele (Boss of It All) | 2006 |
Dirty Pretty Things | 2002 |
Disi duboko (Take a Deep Breath) | 2004 |
Djupid (Deep, The) | 2012 |
Do Not Disturb | 2012 |
Doctor Zhivago | 2002 |
Dog Eat Dog | 2001 |
Dogma | 1999 |
Dogville | 2003 |
Dom za vesanje (Time of the Gypsies) | 1988 |
Domesticas (Maids) | 2001 |
Domino | 2005 |
Don Jon | 2013 |
Don't Come Knocking | 2005 |
Donnie Darko | 2001 |
Door, The | 2012 |
Double vie de Veronique, La (Double Life of Veronique, The) | 1991 |
Double, The | 2013 |
Douches froides (Cold Showers) | 2005 |
Down by Law | 1986 |
Dracula: Dead and Loving It | 1995 |
Dream Boy | 2008 |
Dreamers, The | 2003 |
Dredd | 2012 |
Drop, The | 2014 |
Dry Land, The | 2010 |
Duchess, The | 2008 |
Dung che sai duk (Ashes of Time) | 1994 |
Duo luo tian shi (Fallen Angels) | 1995 |
Dzien Swira (Day of the Wacko) | 2002 |
Eagle Eye | 2008 |
East, The | 2013 |
Eastern Promises | 2007 |
Eclipse, The | 2009 |
Ecume des jours, L' (Mood Indigo) | 2013 |
Ede megeve ebedem | 2006 |
Edes Anna (Sweet Anna) | 1958 |
Edge of Love, The | 2008 |
Edward II | 1991 |
Edward Scissorhands | 1990 |
Egeszseges erotika | 1985 |
Einayim Petukhoth (Eyes Wide Open) | 2009 |
Eldorado | 1988 |
Electric Slide | 2014 |
Elektra Luxx | 2010 |
Elementarteilchen (Atomised) | 2006 |
Elena | 2011 |
Elena Undone | 2010 |
Eloise | 2009 |
Elsker dig for evigt (Open Hearts) | 2002 |
Elysium | 2013 |
Emperor's New Clothes, The | 2001 |
Emporte-moi (Set Me Free) | 1999 |
End Game | 2006 |
End of Love | 2012 |
End of the Tour, The | 0 |
End of the Violence, The | 1997 |
Enemy | 2013 |
Enfant d'en haut, L' (Sisters) | 2012 |
Enfants de Timpelbach, Les (Trouble at Timpetill) | 2008 |
English Patient, The | 1996 |
Ensemble, c'est tout (Hunting and gathering) | 2007 |
Enter the Void | 2009 |
Epidemic | 1987 |
Erik the Viking | 1989 |
Eros | 2004 |
Erzekek iskolaja | 1996 |
Escape from Sobibor | 1987 |
Et maintenant on va ou? (Were Do We Go Now?) | 2011 |
Eternal | 2004 |
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind | 2004 |
Europa | 1991 |
Europa expressz | 1999 |
Everest | 2015 |
Everybody's Fine | 0 |
Everyone Says I Love You | 1996 |
Everything Is Illuminated | 2005 |
Ex Machina | 0 |
eXistenZ | 1999 |
Exotica | 1994 |
Experimenter | 2015 |
Explicit Ills | 2008 |
F. est un salaud (Fogi Is a Bastard) | 1998 |
Fa yeung nin wa (In the Mood for Love) | 2000 |
Fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain, Le (Amelie) | 2001 |
Face | 1997 |
Facerea lumii | 1971 |
Faculty, The | 1998 |
Fall, The | 2006 |
Fando y Lis (Fando and Lis) | 1968 |
Fantastic Fear of Everything, A | 2012 |
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas | 1998 |
Fehér isten (White God) | 2014 |
Feher tenyer (White Palms) | 2006 |
Felho a Gangesz felett (Cloud Above the River Ganges) | 2002 |
Fem benspaend, De (Five Obstructions, The) | 2003 |
Female Perversions | 1996 |
Femme du Veme, La (Woman in the Fifth, The) | 2011 |
Festen (Celebration, The) | 1998 |
Fever, The | 2004 |
Fifth Element, The | 1997 |
Fifty Dead Men Walking | 2008 |
Filth | 2013 |
Filth and Wisdom | 2008 |
Finding Joy | 2013 |
Fine mrtve djevojke (Fine Death Girls) | 2002 |
Fiore delle mille e una notte, Il (Arabian Nights) | 1974 |
Fish Called Wanda, A | 1988 |
Fish Tank | 0 |
Fisher King, The | 1991 |
Fjellet (Mountain, The) | 2011 |
Flashdance | 1983 |
Fled | 1996 |
Flickan som lekte med elden (Girl Who Played with Fire, The) | 2009 |
Flightplan | 2005 |
Fly II, The | 1989 |
Fly, The | 1986 |
Fly, The | 1958 |
Following | 1998 |
Fools Rush In | 1997 |
Forbidden Room, The (Forbidden Room, The100) | 0 |
Forbrydelsens element (Element of Crime, The) | 1984 |
Forbrydelser (In Your Hands) | 2004 |
Fountain, The | 2006 |
Four Lions | 2010 |
Four Rooms | 1995 |
Four-Faced Liar, The | 2010 |
Fox, The | 1967 |
Foxcatcher | 0 |
Foxfire | 1996 |
Frances Ha | 2012 |
Freaky Friday | 1976 |
Freaky Friday | 2003 |
Free Zone | 2005 |
Freedom Writers | 2007 |
Freedom's Fury | 2006 |
Freeheld | 2015 |
Frida | 2002 |
Friday the 13th | 2009 |
Friday the 13th | 1980 |
From Dusk Till Dawn | 1996 |
From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money | 1999 |
From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter | 1999 |
Frozen River | 2008 |
Fucking Amal (Show Me Love) | 1998 |
Fugitive Pieces | 2007 |
Fun with Dick and Jane | 2005 |
Funny Face | 1957 |
Funny Games | 1997 |
Funny Games U.S. (Funny Games) | 2007 |
Gadjo Dilo (Crazy Stranger, The) | 1997 |
Gainsbourg (Vie heroique) (Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life) | 2010 |
Gamin au velo, Le (Kid with a Bike, The) | 2011 |
Gamle maend i nye biler (Old Men in New Cars: In China They Eat Dogs II) | 2002 |
Ganske snill mann, En (Somewhat Gentle Man, A) | 2010 |
Garden State | 2004 |
Garden, The | 1990 |
Gardiens de l'ordre (Off Limits) | 2010 |
Gathering Storm, The | 2002 |
Gattaca | 1997 |
Gegen die Wand (Head-On) | 2004 |
George Wallace | 1997 |
Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai | 1999 |
Ghost Writer, The | 2010 |
Gia | 1998 |
Gift, The | 2000 |
Gigola | 2010 |
Ginger & Rosa | 0 |
Giorno devi andare, Un (There Will Come a Day) | 2013 |
Girl Walks Home Alone at Night | 0 |
Girl Walks into a Bar | 2011 |
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The | 2011 |
Girl, Interrupted | 1999 |
Girls Against Boys | 0 |
Girltrash: All Night Long | 2013 |
Glass House: The Good Mother | 2006 |
Gloomy Sunday - Ein Lied von Liebe und Tod (Gloomy Sunday) | 1999 |
Go | 1999 |
Go Fish | 1994 |
Gone Girl | 2014 |
Gone in Sixty Seconds | 2000 |
Good | 2008 |
Good Advice | 2001 |
Good Bye Lenin! | 2003 |
Good Dick | 2008 |
Good Life, The | 2007 |
Good Shepherd, The | 2006 |
Good Year, A | 2006 |
Gordos (Fat People) | 2009 |
Gossip | 2000 |
Goya's Ghosts | 2006 |
Grace Is Gone | 2007 |
Grand Budapest Hotel, The | 2014 |
Grand Central | 2013 |
Grand Hotel | 1932 |
Grand Seduction, The | 2013 |
Grande sogno, Il (Big Dream, The) | 2009 |
Gravity | 2013 |
Gray Matters | 2006 |
Great Balls of Fire! | 1989 |
Gronne slagtere, De (Green Butchers, The) | 2003 |
Grotesque, The | 1995 |
Grown Up Movie Star | 2009 |
Growns Up | 2010 |
Guard, The | 2011 |
Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, A | 2006 |
Gummo | 1997 |
Gunman, The | 2015 |
Ha-Sodot (Secrets, The) | 2007 |
Habitacion en Roma (Room in Rome) | 2010 |
Hackers | 1995 |
Hae anseon (Cost Guard, The) | 2002 |
Haggard. The Movie | 2003 |
Hair | 1979 |
Hal i mitt hjarta, Ett (Hole in My Heart, A) | 2004 |
Half Nelson | 2006 |
Halloween | 1978 |
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later | 1998 |
Halloween II | 1981 |
Hammett | 1982 |
Hanna | 0 |
Hannibal | 2001 |
Hannibal Rising | 2007 |
Happythankyoumoreplease | 2010 |
Hard Candy | 0 |
Hardcore | 2004 |
Hateful Eight, The | 0 |
Haute Tension (High Tension) | 2003 |
He Got Game | 1998 |
Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things, The | 2004 |
Heat | 1995 |
Heathers | 1988 |
Heavenly Creatures | 1994 |
Heavy, The | 2010 |
Hell's Kitchen | 1998 |
Henry & June | 1990 |
Her | 2013 |
Hercules | 2005 |
Hereafter | 2010 |
Hesher | 2010 |
Hey Hey It's Esther Blueburger | 2008 |
Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards, The | 2014 |
Hidember, A (Bridgeman, The) | 2002 |
High Anxiety | 1977 |
High Art | 1998 |
High Fidelity | 2000 |
Higher Ground | 2011 |
Himmel uber Berlin, Der (Wings of Desire) | 1987 |
Himmelfall (Falling Sky) | 2002 |
History of the World: Part 1 | 1981 |
History of Violence, A | 2005 |
Hole, The | 2001 |
Holiday, The | 2006 |
Hollywood Ending | 2002 |
Holy Mountain, The | 1973 |
Holy Rollers | 2010 |
Hombre de al lado, El (Man Next Door, The) | 2009 |
Homefront | 2013 |
Homesman, The | 2014 |
Honeymoon | 2014 |
Honfoglalas | 1996 |
Hors de prix (Priceless) | 2006 |
Horsemen | 2009 |
Hotel Noir | 2012 |
Hottest State, The | 2006 |
Hounddog | 0 |
House of the Spirits, The | 1993 |
How I Live Now | 0 |
How to Make an American Quilt | 1995 |
How to Steal a Million | 1966 |
Howl | 2010 |
Human Traffic | 1999 |
Hundstage (Dog Days) | 2001 |
Hwal (Bow, The) | 2005 |
I Am Dina | 2002 |
I Can't Think Straight | 2008 |
I kina spiser de hunde (In China They Eat Dogs) | 1999 |
I Love You Phillip Morris | 2009 |
I Origins | 1997 |
I Really Hate My Job | 2007 |
I Shot Andy Warhol | 1996 |
I skugga hrafnsins (Shadow of the Raven) | 1988 |
I skuggan av varmen (In Your Veins) | 2009 |
I Used to Be Darker | 2013 |
I'm Not There | 2007 |
Iceman, The | 2012 |
Ich seh, ich seh | 0 |
Ida | 2013 |
Idioterne (Idiots, The) | 1998 |
If I Stay | 2014 |
Ils se marierent et eurent beaucoup d'enfants (...And They Lived Happily Ever After) | 2004 |
Im Lauf der Zeit (Kings of the Road) | 1976 |
Imaginarium of Dr.Parnassus | 2009 |
Imagine | 2012 |
Imagine Me & You | 2005 |
Imitation Game, The | 2014 |
Immagini di un convento (Images in a Convent) | 1979 |
Immigrant, The | 2013 |
Immortals | 2011 |
Import/Export | 2007 |
In & Out | 1997 |
In a World? | 2013 |
In America | 0 |
In the Land of Blood and Honey | 2011 |
In the Time of the Butterflies | 2001 |
In weiter Ferne, so nah! (Faraway, So Close!) | 1993 |
Incendies | 2010 |
Inception | 2010 |
Incompresa (Misunderstood) | 2014 |
Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love, The | 1995 |
Indigenes (Days of Glory) | 2006 |
Indul a bakterhaz (The Stationmaster Meets His Match) | 1980 |
Infinitely Polar Bear | 0 |
Informers, The | 2009 |
Inglourious Basterds | 2009 |
Inhale | 2010 |
Inkasso (Collector, The) | 2004 |
Innocence | 2004 |
Inside Man | 2006 |
Insomnia | 2002 |
Inspiration | 1931 |
Insurgent | 0 |
Interno di un convento (Behind Convent Walls) | 1978 |
Interstellar | 2014 |
Into the Wild | 2007 |
Io sono l'amore (I Am Love) | 2009 |
Irina Palm | 2007 |
Iron Jawed Angels | 2004 |
Irreversible | 2002 |
Isis Rising: Curse of the Lady Mummy | 2013 |
Island | 2011 |
It's All About Love | 2003 |
Italiensk for begyndere (Italian for Beginners) | 2000 |
Izgnanie (Banishment, The) | 2007 |
Jabberwocky | 1977 |
Jack & Diane | 2012 |
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit | 2014 |
Jacket, The | 2005 |
Jackie Brown | 1997 |
Jadoo | 0 |
Jagten (Hunt, The) | 2012 |
Jalousie, La (Jealousy) | 2013 |
James White | 0 |
Jane Eyre | 2011 |
Jane Eyre | 1996 |
Jane Got a Gun | 0 |
Je suis ne d'une cigogne | 1999 |
Je te mangerais (You Will Be Mine) | 2009 |
Jesen stize, dunjo moja (Goose Feather) | 2004 |
Jeux d'enfants (Love Me If You Dare) | 2003 |
Johanna | 2005 |
Josie and the Pussycats | 2001 |
Julia | 2008 |
Julie Johnson | 0 |
Julien Donkey-Boy | 1999 |
Jungle Book, The | 1994 |
Juno | 2007 |
Kad porastem bicu kengur (When I Grow Up, I'll Be a Kangaroo) | 2004 |
Kaerlighed pa film (Just Another Love Story) | 2007 |
Kaerlighedshistorie, En (Kira's Reason: A Love Story) | 2001 |
Kalifornia | 1993 |
Kamome Shokudo (Kamome Diner) | 2006 |
Kansas City Bomber | 1972 |
Karate Kid, Part II, The | 1986 |
Karate Kid, Part III, The | 1989 |
Karate Kid, The | 1984 |
Katalin Varga | 2009 |
Keeping Room, The | 2014 |
Kelj fel, komam, ne aludjal (Wake Up, Mate, Don't You Sleep) | 2002 |
Ket felido a pokolban (Two Half-Times in Hell) | 1963 |
Kicsi de nagyon eros (Little But Rough) | 1989 |
Kids | 1995 |
Kids Are All Right, The | 2010 |
Kill Bill: Vol.1 | 2003 |
Kill Bill: Vol.2 | 2004 |
Killing Room, The | 2009 |
Killshot | 2008 |
King Arthur | 2004 |
Kinsey | 2004 |
Kirschbluten-Hanami (Cherry Blossoms) | 2008 |
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang | 2005 |
Kiss of the Damned | 2012 |
Kissing Jessica Stein | 2001 |
Kite Runner, The | 2007 |
Kjaerlighetens kjotere (Zero Kelvin) | 1995 |
Klassefesten (Reunion, The) | 2011 |
Klovn: The Movie | 2010 |
Klunkerz: A Film About Mountain Bikes | 2006 |
Knight of Cups | 0 |
Knight's Tale, A | 2001 |
Knochenmann, Der (Bone Man, The) | 2009 |
Kolyok | 1959 |
Kommenden Tage, Die (Coming Days, The) | 2010 |
Kon-Tiki | 2012 |
Kontroll | 0 |
Korhinta (Merry-Go-Round) | 1956 |
Korkoro (Korkoro/Freedom) | 2009 |
Koyaanisqatsi | 1982 |
Kray (Edge, The) | 2010 |
Kronjuvelerna (Crown Jewels, The) | 2011 |
Krotki film o milosci (Short Film About Love, A) | 1988 |
Krotki film o zabijaniu (Short Film About Killing, A) | 1988 |
Kynodontas (Dogtooth) | 2009 |
Kyss mig (Kiss Me) | 2011 |
L'auberge espagnole | 2002 |
Laberinto del fauno, El (Pan's Labyrinth) | 2006 |
Labrador | 0 |
Ladri di biciclette (Bicycle Thieves) | 1948 |
Lady Chatterley | 2006 |
Laggies | 2014 |
Laid to Rest | 2009 |
Lake Tahoe | 2008 |
Lamb | 2015 |
Land of Plenty | 2004 |
Lara Croft: The Cradle of Life | 2003 |
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider | 2001 |
Last Chance Harvey | 2008 |
Last Days | 2005 |
Last Days in the Desert | 2015 |
Last Days of Disco, The | 1998 |
Last Days on Mars, The | 2013 |
Last Exorcism Part II, The | 0 |
Last Exorcism, The | 0 |
Last Knights | 2015 |
Last Night | 2010 |
Last of England, The | 1988 |
Last Resort | 2000 |
Last Word, The | 2008 |
Lat den ratte komma in (Let the Right One In) | 2008 |
Latcho Drom (Safe Journey) | 1993 |
Laughter in Paradise | 1951 |
Lavender Hill Mob, The | 1951 |
Lawless | 2012 |
Lawn Dogs | 1997 |
League of Their Own, A | 1992 |
Leaving Las Vegas | 1995 |
Leon (Leon: The Professional) | 1994 |
Letter, The | 2012 |
Leviafan (Leviathan) | 2014 |
Lianna | 1983 |
Libertin, Le (Libertine, The) | 2000 |
Life in Flight | 2008 |
Life Is Hot in Cracktown | 2008 |
Life of Brian (Monty Python's Life of Brian) | 1979 |
Life or Something Like It | 2002 |
Life Stinks | 1991 |
Light of Day | 1987 |
Lightbulb | 2009 |
Like Crazy | 2011 |
Lilja 4-Ever (Lilya 4-Ever) | 2002 |
Limits of Control, The | 2009 |
Linda Lovelace for President | 1975 |
Line of Sight | 2012 |
Links | 2008 |
Lisbon Story | 1994 |
Little Accidents | 2014 |
Little Fockers | 2010 |
Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane, The | 1976 |
Little Man Tate | 1991 |
Little Women | 1994 |
Living Proof | 2008 |
Ljeto u zlatnoj dolini (Summer in the Golden Valley) | 2003 |
Lobster, The | 2015 |
Locke | 2013 |
Lolita | 1997 |
Lolita | 1962 |
London Boulevard | 2010 |
Londoni ferfi, A (Man from London, The) | 2007 |
Lonely Hearts | 2006 |
Long dimanche de fiancailles, Un (Very Long engagement, A) | 2004 |
Lookin' to Get Out | 1982 |
Looking for Eric | 0 |
Looking for Richard | 1996 |
Lord of War | 2005 |
Loss of Sexual Innocence, The | 1999 |
Lost and Delirious | 2001 |
Lost in Translation | 2003 |
Lost Souls | 2000 |
Lourdes | 2009 |
Love Actually | 2003 |
Love and Other Drugs | 2010 |
Love and Other Impossible Pursuits | 2009 |
Love in the Afternoon | 1957 |
Love Is Now | 2014 |
Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon | 1998 |
Love My Life | 2006 |
Loved Up | 1995 |
Lovelace | 2013 |
Lovely Bones, The | 0 |
Loving Annabelle | 2006 |
Low Down | 2014 |
Lucas | 1986 |
Lucia y el sexo (Sex and Lucia) | 2001 |
Luftslottet som sprangdes (Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest, The) | 2009 |
Lymelife | 2008 |
M. Butterfly | 1993 |
Macbeth | 2015 |
MacGyver: Trail to Doomsday | 1994 |
Madame Bovary | 2014 |
Maelstrom | 2000 |
Mah nakorn (Citizen Dog) | 2004 |
Mala Noche (Bad Night) | 1986 |
Maleficent | 2014 |
Malmhaus (Metalhead) | 2013 |
Mama | 2013 |
Mammoth | 2009 |
Man From Earth, The | 2007 |
Man of Steel | 2013 |
Man on the Moon | 1999 |
Man som hatar kvinnor (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) | 2009 |
Man tanker sitt (Burrowing) | 2009 |
Man Up | 2015 |
Man with Rain in His Shoes, The | 1998 |
Mandariinid (Tangerines) | 2013 |
Manden bag doren (Bouncer, The) | 2003 |
Manderlay | 2005 |
Mango Kiss | 2004 |
Maniac | 2012 |
Manuale d'amore (Manual of Love) | 2005 |
Map of the Human Heart | 1992 |
Maps to the Stars | 2014 |
Maradona by Kusturica | 2008 |
Marche de l'empereur, La (March of the Penguins) | 2005 |
Margaret | 0 |
Margarita | 2012 |
Marine Story, A | 2010 |
Marion Bridge | 0 |
Mars Attacks! | 1996 |
Martha Marcy May Marlene | 2011 |
Martian, The | 2015 |
Martyrs | 2008 |
Mary and Martha | 2013 |
Maskeblomstfamilien (Shameless) | 2010 |
Mata Hari | 1931 |
Matka Joanna od aniolow (Mother Joan of the Angels) | 1961 |
Maverick | 1994 |
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl | 0 |
Meaning of Life, The (Monty Python's The Meaning of Life) | 1983 |
Medea | 1988 |
Medianeras (Sidewalls) | 0 |
Meet the Fockers | 2004 |
Meet the Parents | 2000 |
Megane (Glasses) | 2007 |
Meglio gioventu, La (Best of Youth, The) | 2003 |
Mein Freund aus Faro | 2008 |
Melancholia | 2011 |
Melinda and Melinda | 2004 |
Memento | 2000 |
Memory Thief, The | 2007 |
Meraviglie, Le (Wonders, The) | 2014 |
Merci la vie | 1991 |
Merci pour le chocolat | 2000 |
Merkwurdige Katzchen, Das (Strange Little Cat, The) | 2013 |
Mermaids | 1990 |
Mi vida loca (My Crazy Life) | 1993 |
Michael Clayton | 2007 |
Miele (Honey) | 2013 |
Mifunes sidtste sang (Mifune) | 1999 |
Mighty Heart, A | 2007 |
Million Dollar Baby | 2004 |
Million Dollar Hotel, The | 2000 |
Miniszter felrelep, A | 1997 |
Minority Report | 0 |
Miracle at St.Anna | 2008 |
Miral | 2010 |
Mirror Mirror | 2012 |
Misery | 1990 |
Miss Julie | 1999 |
Misterios de Lisboa (Mysteries of Lisbon) | 2010 |
Moguls, The | 2005 |
Mohacsi vesz, A | 2004 |
Mojave Moon | 1996 |
Mome, La | 2007 |
Mommy | 2014 |
Monaca del peccato, La (Convent of Sinners) | 1986 |
Mondo | 1995 |
Monster | 2003 |
Montenegro | 1981 |
Monty Python and the Holy Grail | 1975 |
Moon | 2009 |
Moonrise Kingdom | 2012 |
Morceaux de moi, Des (Pieces of Me) | 2012 |
Mortal Instruments, The: City of Bones | 2013 |
Morvern Callar | 0 |
Mouchette | 1967 |
Mouth to Mouth | 0 |
Mr. Nobody | 2009 |
Mr.and Mrs.Smith | 2005 |
Mr.Deeds | 2002 |
Mr.Magorium's Wonder Emporium | 2007 |
Mr.Nice | 2010 |
Mr.Right | 0 |
Mrs Dalloway | 1997 |
Munich | 2005 |
My Blueberry Nights | 2007 |
My Fair Lady | 1964 |
My Last Day without You | 2011 |
My Life without Me | 2003 |
My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done | 2009 |
My Summer of Love | 2004 |
My Week with Marilyn | 2011 |
Myrin (Jar City) | 2006 |
Mysterious Skin | 2004 |
Mystery Train | 1989 |
Mädchen in Uniform | 1958 |
Mädchen in Uniform | 1931 |
Nabbeun namja (Bad Guy) | 2001 |
Nagy fuzet, A (Notebook, The) | 2013 |
Naissance des pieuvres (Water Lilies) | 2007 |
Naked Lunch | 1991 |
Napoleon and Samantha | 1972 |
Naqoyqatsi | 2002 |
Nar nettene blir lange (Cabin Fever) | 2000 |
Nativity Story, The | 2006 |
Nattevagten (Nightwatch) | 1994 |
Natural Born Killers | 1994 |
Neighbor | 2009 |
Neka ostane medju nama (Just Between Us) | 2010 |
Nekem lampast adott kezembe az Ur Pesten (Lord's Lantern in Budapest) | 1999 |
Nell | 1994 |
Never Let Me Go | 2010 |
Neverending Story II, The: The Next Chapter | 1990 |
Neverending Story III, The: Escape from Fantasia | 1994 |
New Waterford Girl | 1999 |
New Year's Eve | 2011 |
New York, I Love You | 2009 |
Next Karate Kid, The | 1994 |
Nic smiesznego (Nothing Funny) | 1995 |
Night Before, The | 2015 |
Night Catches Us | 2010 |
Night Moves | 2013 |
Night on Earth | 1991 |
Night Train to Lisbon | 2013 |
Nightcrawler | 2014 |
Nightmare on Elm Street, A | 2010 |
Nightwatching | 2007 |
Nikita | 1990 |
Nim's Island | 2008 |
Nincsen nekem vagyam semmi (This I Wish and Nothing More) | 2000 |
Nine | 2009 |
Nineteen Eighty-Four | 1984 |
Nino pez, El (Fish Child, The) | 2009 |
Ninotchka | 1939 |
Ninth Gate, The | 1999 |
No Escape | 2015 |
No One Lives | 2012 |
No Strings Attached | 2011 |
Noah | 2014 |
Noi Albinoi (Noi the Albino) | 2003 |
Nord (North) | 2009 |
Nordkraft | 2005 |
Nordwand (North Face) | 2008 |
North Country | 2005 |
Not Since You | 2009 |
Nothing Personal | 2009 |
Novo | 2002 |
Nowhere to Go But Up | 2003 |
Numb | 2007 |
Nun's Story, The | 1959 |
Nuovomondo (Golden Door) | 2006 |
Nurse 3-D | 2013 |
Nymphomaniac: Vol. I | 2013 |
Nymphomaniac: Vol. II | 2013 |
Nyugalom | 2008 |
O cheiro do ralo (Drained) | 2006 |
Ofelas (Pathfinder) | 1987 |
Old Joy | 2006 |
On the Road | 2012 |
Once Upon a Time in Mexico | 2003 |
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | 1975 |
One Little Indian | 1973 |
One Missed Call | 2008 |
One Night Stand | 1997 |
One Week | 2008 |
Onegin | 1999 |
Only Lovers Left Alive | 2013 |
Open Windows | 2014 |
Operatiunea "Monstrul" | 1976 |
Order, The | 2003 |
Original Sin | 2001 |
Orlando | 1992 |
Orphan | 2009 |
Oslo, 31. august (Oslo, August 31st) | 2011 |
Other Boleyn Girl, The | 2008 |
Otoshiana (Pitfall) | 1962 |
Our Family Wedding | 2010 |
Overnight | 2007 |
Oz the Great and Powerful | 2013 |
P.S. I Love You | 2007 |
Painted Veil, The | 1934 |
Painted Veil, The | 2006 |
Pal Adrienn | 2010 |
Pal Utcai Fiuk, A (Boys of Paul Street, The) | 1969 |
Palermo Shooting | 2008 |
Palmetto | 1998 |
Pan | 2015 |
Panic Room | 2002 |
Pannon toredek (Hungarian Fragment) | 1998 |
Papstin, Die (Pope Joan) | 2009 |
Paradies: Glaube (Paradise: Faith) | 2013 |
Paradies: Hoffnung (Paradise: Hope) | 2012 |
Paradies: Liebe (Paradise: Love) | 2012 |
Paran daemun (Birdcage Inn) | 1998 |
Paris | 2008 |
Paris - When It Sizzles | 1964 |
Paris, je t'aime (Paris, I Love You) | 2006 |
Paris, Texas | 1984 |
Parole Officer, The | 2001 |
Pas sur la bouche (Not on the Lips) | 2003 |
Passion | 2012 |
People Places Things | 0 |
People vs. Larry Flynt, The | 1996 |
Perfect Ending, A | 2012 |
Perks of Being a Wallflower, The | 2012 |
Permanent Vacation | 1980 |
Persepolis | 2007 |
Personal Services | 1987 |
Pete Smalls Is Dead | 2010 |
Petits mouchoirs, Les (Little White Lies) | 2010 |
Pi | 1998 |
Pianiste, La (Piano Teacher, The) | 2001 |
Piano, solo | 2007 |
Piel que habito, La (Skin I Live In, The) | 2011 |
Pillango | 2012 |
Pillow Book, The | 1996 |
Pink Panther 2, The | 2009 |
Pink Panther, The | 2006 |
Piran-Pirano | 2010 |
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End | 2007 |
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest | 2006 |
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides | 2011 |
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl | 2003 |
Planet Terror | 2007 |
Playing by Heart | 1998 |
Playing God | 1997 |
Plein sud (Going South) | 2009 |
Point Break | 2015 |
Point Break | 1991 |
Polytechnique | 2009 |
Pornografia (Pornography) | 2003 |
Portugal | 2000 |
Possession | 2002 |
Possible Worlds | 2000 |
Posthumous | 2014 |
Poupees russes, Les (Russian Dolls) | 2005 |
Powaqqatsi | 1988 |
Prag (Prague) | 2006 |
Precious | 2009 |
Premium Rush | 2012 |
Prendimi l'anima (Soul Keeper, The) | 2002 |
Preparez vos mouchoirs (Get Out Your Handkerchiefs) | 1978 |
Prestige, The | 2006 |
Prete-moi ta main (I Do) | 2006 |
Pride & Prejudice | 2005 |
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies | 0 |
Primer | 2004 |
Princess of Thieves | 2001 |
Prisoners | 2013 |
Private Lives of Pippa Lee, The | 2009 |
Producers, The | 1967 |
Prometheus | 2012 |
Promised Land | 2004 |
Prozac Nation | 2001 |
Przypadek (Blind Chance) | 1987 |
Psycho | 1998 |
Puha Tonu kiusamine (Temptation of St. Tony, The) | 2009 |
Puhdistus (Purge) | 2012 |
Pulp Fiction | 1994 |
Pure | 2002 |
Purge, The | 2013 |
Pushing Tin | 1999 |
Quadrophenia | 1979 |
Queen Christina | 1933 |
Qui vive (Insecure) | 2014 |
Quicksilver | 1986 |
Racconti di Canterbury, I (Canterbury Tales, The) | 1972 |
Rafle, La (Round Up, The) | 2010 |
Ragazze dello swing, Le (Swing Girls, The) | 2010 |
Ragtime | 1981 |
Raspberry Reich, The | 2004 |
Reader, The | 2008 |
Reality Bites | 1994 |
Reaping, The | 2007 |
Reconstruction | 2003 |
Red Dog | 2011 |
Red Dragon | 2002 |
Red Dust | 2004 |
Red Knot | 0 |
Red Road | 2006 |
Ref, The | 1994 |
Regi idok focija (Football of the Good Old Days) | 1973 |
Regression | 2015 |
Reise nach Kafiristan, Die (Journey to Kafiristan, The) | 2001 |
Remains of the Day, The | 1993 |
Rene hjerter (Pure Hearts) | 2006 |
Requiem for a Dream | 2000 |
Reservoir Dogs | 1992 |
Resident, The | 2011 |
Rest Stop | 2006 |
Restless | 2011 |
Restul e tacere | 2007 |
Revenant, The | 2015 |
Rigtigt menneske, Et (Truly Human) | 2001 |
Rio, Eu Te Amo (Rio, I Love You) | 2014 |
Ripley's Game | 2002 |
Rite, The | 2011 |
Road to Nowhere | 2010 |
Road, The | 2009 |
Roadie | 2011 |
Roadracers | 1994 |
Robin and Marian | 1976 |
Robin Hood: Men in Tights | 1993 |
Rocket Science | 2007 |
Roman Holiday | 1953 |
Romani kris - Ciganytorveny (Romani kris - Gypsy Law) | 1997 |
Romanzo criminale | 2005 |
Room | 2015 |
Rosa Morena | 2010 |
Rote Baron, Der (Red Baron, The) | 2008 |
Rules of Attraction, The | 2002 |
Runaways, The | 2010 |
Rundown, The | 2003 |
Rushmore | 1998 |
Ruthless People | 1986 |
Ryna | 2005 |
S.Darko | 2009 |
S1m0ne | 2002 |
Sabrina | 1954 |
Safety of Objects, The | 2001 |
Saint Laurent | 2014 |
Salauds, Les (Bastards) | 2013 |
Salo o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom) | 1975 |
Salt | 2010 |
Salton Sea, The | 2002 |
Salvation, The | 2014 |
Samaria (Samaritan Girl) | 2004 |
Samba | 2014 |
Samsara | 2011 |
Sanning eller konsekvens (Sanning eller konsekvens/Truth or Dare) | 1997 |
Santa sangre | 1989 |
Sarah prefere la course | 0 |
Saturday the 14th | 0 |
Saul fia (Son of Saul) | 0 |
Saving Face | 2004 |
Sayat Nova (Color of Pomegranates, The) | 1968 |
Scanner Darkly, A | 2006 |
Scaphandre et le papillon, Le (Diving Bell and the Butterfly, The) | 2007 |
Schloss, Das (Castle, The) | 1997 |
Science des reves, La (Science of Sleep, The) | 2006 |
Se min kjole (Hush Little Baby) | 2009 |
Se til venstre, der eren svensker (Old, New, Borrowed and Blue) | 2003 |
Secondloitnanten (Second Lieutenant, The) | 1993 |
Secret Life of Words, The | 2005 |
Sedam I po (Seven and a Half) | 2006 |
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World | 2012 |
Seom (Isle, The) | 2000 |
Seraphim Falls | 2006 |
Serving in Silence: The Margarethe Cammermeyer Story | 1995 |
Seul contre tous (I Stand Alone) | 1998 |
Sevdah za karima | 2010 |
Seven Pounds | 2008 |
Seven Psychopaths | 2012 |
Severance | 2006 |
Sex and Death 101 | 2007 |
Shadows and Fog | 1991 |
Shattered Glass | 2003 |
Shelter | 2014 |
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows | 2011 |
Shi gan (Time) | 2006 |
Shilje sanghwang (Real Fiction) | 2000 |
Short Term 12 | 2013 |
Sibirskiy tsiryulnik (Barber of Siberia, The) | 1998 |
Siblings | 2004 |
Sid and Nancy | 1986 |
Side Effects | 2013 |
Sidewalks of New York | 2001 |
Siebente Kontinent, Der (Seventh Continent, The) | 1989 |
Siesta | 1987 |
Silence of the Lambs | 1991 |
Silent Movie | 1976 |
Silver Linings Playbook | 2012 |
Sin City | 2005 |
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For | 2014 |
Sin nombre | 2009 |
Single Man, A | 2009 |
Single Shot, A | 2013 |
Singles | 1992 |
Sinister | 2012 |
Sinister 2 | 0 |
Sisters | 2006 |
Sisters | 1973 |
Six Days Seven Nights | 1998 |
Skaldede Frisor, Den (Love Is All You Need) | 2012 |
Skateland | 2010 |
Skrigende halse, De | 1993 |
Sky Captain and the World of Tommorow | 2004 |
SLC Punk! | 1998 |
Sleep Dealer | 2008 |
Slovenka (Slovenian Girl) | 2009 |
Slow West | 0 |
Small Town Murder Songs | 2010 |
Snijeg (Snow) | 2008 |
Snitch | 1998 |
Snow Angels | 0 |
Snowpiercer | 2013 |
Soap, En (Soap, A) | 2006 |
Social Network, The | 2010 |
Sometimes They Come Back… Again | 1996 |
Sommersby | 1993 |
Son epouse (His Wife) | 2014 |
Son of a Gun | 0 |
Sonny Boy | 2011 |
Soom (Breath) | 2007 |
Sorstalansag (Fateless) | 2005 |
Soshite chichi ni naru (Like Father, Like Son) | 2013 |
Soul Kitchen | 2009 |
Sound of My Voice | 2011 |
Southpaw | 2015 |
Spaceballs | 1987 |
Speak | 2004 |
Spectacular Now, The | 2013 |
Spider | 2002 |
Splice | 2009 |
Spotlight | 2015 |
Spun | 2002 |
Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over | 2003 |
Square Dance | 1987 |
Srpski Film (Serbian Film, A) | 2010 |
St.Trinian's | 2007 |
St.Vincent | 2014 |
Stand der Dinge, Der (State of Things, The) | 1982 |
Stanford Prison Experiment, The | 0 |
Stanza del figlio, La (Son's Room, The) | 2001 |
Star Trek | 2009 |
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace | 1999 |
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones | 2002 |
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith | 2005 |
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope | 1977 |
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back | 1980 |
Star Wars: Episode VI - The Return of the Jedi | 1983 |
Stardust | 2007 |
Statement, The | 2003 |
Stay Cool | 2009 |
Stealing Home | 1988 |
Stejar, extrema urgenta | 1973 |
Steppenwolf | 1974 |
Stick It | 0 |
Still Alice | 2014 |
Stille nach dem Schuss, Die (Legend of Rita, The) | 2000 |
Stingray Sam | 2009 |
Stockholm, Pennsylvania | 0 |
Stoker | 2013 |
Stormy Monday | 1988 |
Stranger than Paradise | 1984 |
Strength in Numbers | 2012 |
Submarino | 2010 |
SubUrbia | 1996 |
Suburbia | 1983 |
Suchwiin bulmyeong (Address Unknown) | 2001 |
Suffragette | 2015 |
Sugar | 2004 |
Suite Française | 2014 |
Sukiyaki Western Django | 2007 |
Suna no onna (Woman in the Dunes) | 1964 |
Survivalist, The | 0 |
Suspension of Disbelief | 2012 |
Svetat e golyam i spasenie debne otvsyakade (World is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner, The) | 2008 |
Svinalangorna (Beyond) | 2010 |
Sweet Hereafter, The | 1997 |
Sweet Movie | 1974 |
Swing | 2002 |
Sykt lykkelig (Happy, Happy) | 2010 |
Sympathy for Delicious | 2010 |
Synecdoche, New York | 2008 |
Szabadsag, szerelem (Children of Glory) | 2006 |
Szelid teremtes - A Frankenstein-terv (Tender Son: The Frankenstein Project) | 2010 |
Szep napok (Pleasant Days) | 2002 |
Szerelem (Love) | 1971 |
Sztorno | 2006 |
Take Shelter | 2011 |
Take This Waltz | 2011 |
Taking Lives | 2004 |
Talented Mr.Ripley, The | 1999 |
Tanin no kao (Face of Another, The) | 1966 |
Tank Girl | 1995 |
Tanner Hall | 2009 |
Tanu, A (Witness, The) | 1969 |
Taxi Driver | 1976 |
Tell-Tale | 2009 |
Temps du loup, Le (Time of the Wolf) | 2003 |
Ten Minutes Older: The Cello | 2002 |
Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet | 2002 |
Ten, The | 2007 |
Terri | 2011 |
Tesko je biti fin (It's Hard to Be Nice) | 2007 |
Tete de turc (Turk's Head) | 2010 |
That Evening Sun | 2009 |
Therese and Isabelle | 1968 |
Therese Desqueyroux | 2012 |
This Girl's Life | 2003 |
This Is Martin Bonner | 2013 |
This Is the End | 2013 |
This Revolution | 2005 |
Thor | 2011 |
Thor: The Dark World | 2013 |
Thumbsucker | 2005 |
Tideland | 2005 |
Till det som är vackert (Pure) | 2009 |
Tillsammans (Together) | 2000 |
Time Bandits | 1981 |
Timecode | 2000 |
Tini zabutykh predkiv (Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors) | 1964 |
Tizedes meg a tobbiek, A (Corporal and Others, The) | 1965 |
Toiretto (Toilet) | 2010 |
Tokyo! | 2008 |
Tomboy | 2011 |
Tommy | 1975 |
Top Secret! | 1984 |
Topo, El | 1970 |
Tourist, The | 2010 |
Tracey Fragments | 0 |
Tracks | 2013 |
Traffic | 2000 |
Transcendence | 2014 |
Transsiberian | 2008 |
Transylvania | 2006 |
Trash | 2014 |
Treading Water | 2001 |
Tree of Life, The | 2011 |
Tree, The | 2010 |
Trees Lounge | 1996 |
Trigger | 2010 |
Trois couleurs: Bleu (Three Colors: Blue) | 1993 |
Trois couleurs: Rouge (Three Colors: Red) | 1994 |
Trotsky, The | 2009 |
True Romance | 1993 |
True Women | 1997 |
Truth About Emanuel, The | 2013 |
Trzy kolory: Bialy (Three Colors: White) | 1994 |
Turks & Caicos | 0 |
Turne, A | 1993 |
Tusk | 1980 |
Tuvalu | 1999 |
Twelve Chairs, The | 1970 |
Twelve Monkeys | 1995 |
Two for the Road | 1967 |
Two-Faced Woman | 1941 |
Tyrannosaur | 2011 |
Unbroken | 0 |
Uncertainty | 2009 |
Under the Skin | 1997 |
Under the Skin | 2013 |
Underground | 1995 |
Undertow | 2004 |
Undiscovered | 2005 |
Une place sur la terre (Place on Earth, A) | 2013 |
Unendliche Geschichte, Die (Neverending Story, The) | 1984 |
Unforgiven, The | 1960 |
Unstoppable | 2010 |
Untergang, Der (Downfall) | 2004 |
Upstream Color | 2013 |
Utolso vacsora az Arabs Szurkenel (Last Supper at the Arabian Gray) | 2001 |
V for Vendetta | 2006 |
Vacas | 1992 |
Valmont | 1989 |
Vampire | 2011 |
Van valami furcsa és megmagyarázhatatlan (For Some Inexplicable Reason) | 2014 |
Vanilla Sky | 2001 |
Vantage Point | 2008 |
Velocity of Gary, The | 1998 |
Vengo (Vengo/I Come) | 2000 |
Vents contraires, Des (Headwinds) | 2011 |
Venus beaute (institut) (Venus Beauty Institute) | 1999 |
Vi ar bast! (We Are the Best!) | 2013 |
Vicky Cristina Barcelona | 2008 |
Videodrome | 1983 |
Vie d'Adele, La: Chapitres 1 et 2 (Blue Is the Warmest Color) | 2013 |
Vieille maitresse, Une (Last Mistress, The) | 2007 |
Vier Minuten (4 Minutes) | 2006 |
Viharsarok (Land of Storms) | 0 |
Village Affair, A | 1995 |
Viola di mare (Sea Purple, The) | 2009 |
Violet & Daisy | 0 |
Virgin Suicides, The | 1999 |
Visions of Europe | 2004 |
Visitors | 2013 |
Vita e bella, La (Life Is Beautiful) | 1997 |
Voyage vers la mere | 2014 |
Vozvrashcheniye (Return, The) | 2003 |
Wackness, The | 2008 |
Wadjda | 2012 |
Wah do dem (What They Do) | 2009 |
Wait Until Dark | 1967 |
Wait, The | 2013 |
Walk, The | 2015 |
Wanted | 2008 |
War and Peace | 1956 |
War Requiem | 1989 |
War Zone, The | 1999 |
Watchmen | 0 |
Way Back, The | 0 |
Way Way Back, The | 0 |
We Bought a Zoo | 0 |
We Need to Talk about Kevin | 2011 |
Weekend | 2011 |
Weight of Water, The | 2000 |
Weisse Band, Das - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte (White Ribbon, The) | 2009 |
Weisse Massai, Die (White Massai, The) | 2005 |
Welcome Home, Roxy Charmichael | 1990 |
Welcome to the Rileys | 2010 |
Wendy and Lucy | 2008 |
Whale Rider | 2002 |
Whatever Works | 2009 |
When Love Is Not Enough: The Lois Wilson Story | 2010 |
When Nietzsche Wept | 2007 |
When Night Is Falling | 1995 |
Where the Heart Is | 2000 |
Where the Wild Things Are | 2009 |
Whiplash | 2014 |
Whistleblower, The | 2010 |
Wild Wild West | 1999 |
Wilde Leben, Das (Eight Miles High) | 2007 |
Wimbledon | 2004 |
Wind in the Willows, The | 1996 |
Winning Season, The | 2009 |
Winter's Bone | 2010 |
Without Evidence | 1995 |
Wolfsburg | 2003 |
Women in Trouble | 2009 |
Wong gok ka moon (As Tears Go By) | 1988 |
World Unseen, The | 2007 |
World War Z | 0 |
Wrestler, The | 2008 |
Wristcutters: A Love Story | 2006 |
Wszystko, co kocham (All That I Love) | 2009 |
XXY | 2007 |
Y tu mama tambien (And Your Mother Too) | 2001 |
Yasaeng dongmul bohoguyeog (Wild Animals) | 1997 |
Year in Mooring, A | 2011 |
Year of the Horse: Neil Young and Crazy Horse Live | 1997 |
Yellow Handkerchief, The | 2010 |
Yes or No 2: Rak Mai Rak Ya Kak Loei (Yes or No: Come Back to Me) | 2010 |
Yes or No: Yaak Rak Gaw Rak Loey (Yes or No) | 2010 |
You Might As Well Live | 2009 |
You're Not You | 2014 |
Young Adam | 2003 |
Young Frankenstein | 1974 |
Young Ones | 0 |
Your Highness | 2011 |
Youth | 2015 |
Youth in Revolt | 2009 |
Youth without Youth | 2007 |
Yves Saint Laurent | 2014 |
Zanan-e bedun-e mardan (Women without Men) | 2009 |
Zavet (Promise Me This) | 2007 |
Zero Theorem, The | 2013 |
Zipper | 2014 |
Zivot je cudo (Life Is a Miracle) | 2004 |
Zodiac | 2007 |
Zookeeper | 2011 |
Zuhanorepules (Nosedive) | 2007 |
Ömheten (Broken Hill Blues) | 2013 |